Zoom Class
1. Group norms: What behaviors - self, teacher, others - will make Zoom time effective? Post each idea to the class Jamboard on a sticky. 2. Lab: Part A: Variation in a Population Pre-labs returned, reviewed Determine lab groups - who has peanuts? who can work in Sheets? 3. Check your S'math review against the key OYO 4. Prepare for the lab by reading ahead in the slide deck, slides 6-8. Here's a data set if you want to practice making a histogram and finding the descriptive results 5. Here's a couple of recent articles about rapid testing for coronoavirus Harvard Gazette. The Atlantic Vox
1. On notes; on lab work 2. In brief: role of variation, applying Malthus 3. Population statistics: Jamboard review OYO: 4. Background summarized, & Pre-lab written for LAB : Variation in a Population (due Thursday) 5. S'math Review: Presumed skills 6. Read/take notes; 15.2 , including answering the section questions. If you print and write your assignments, please convert that work to a pdf to turn in (Notes app on iOS, CamScanner on Android) 1. Why AP Biology?
Add to this Jamboard as you enter class 2. Working with Data: Amphibian Declines exemplars have your assignment out/open, make edits as needed (but do not resubmit your work) 3. On Your Own (OYO): move into the Microevolution unit via Malthus text to read, annotate video notes (3 sources) See you Tuesday! 1. Welcome to AP Biology!
Slideshow syllabus review; print version uploaded to Classroom as well 2. On Your Own (OYO) • Take this short Tech Survey, so I can identify and act on any student tech needs • Refresh your scientific methods skills, and get a taste of AP Bio work via the research summary in Working with Data: Amphibian Declines. There are two versions linked to the assignment: a printable, hand-graphing option, and a writeable, Sheets-graphing version. Your choice. • Tyrone Hayes summarizes his research, and raises more troubling questions, on npr and at TEDx (listen to either source). Then post a response, and comment on your classmates responses, in the Jupiter Forum (in your messages of that platform. • Watch & take notes to review scientific methods via a few short Bozeman Science videos |