Zoom Class
1. SS: Domains and Kingdoms 2. Lab data graphed, & results calculated share the Sheet with the group, and with me OYO 3. Review Carbon-based molecules via 3.1 4. Check for feedback on the Lab data/results
Zoom Class
1. Macroevolution Quiz : Vocab in Jupiter, S'math in Forms. 2. Have you added to the class data table? OYO Enjoy the holiday (share the gratitude!) and the break Zoom Class
1. SS: antibiotic resistance phylogeny 2. Class phylogeny pre-lab reviewed 3. Generate the data breakout in pairs, compare sequences, quantify differences, record in the class matrix, return to main room, repeat. OYO 4. For any number in yellow on the matrix, use the tree diagrams to determine the number of common ancestors the students share. Input this information to the table (scroll down on the matrix sheet); change the cell from yellow to gray to mark it as done. Repeat for a second datum. 5. Study the vocab; quiz tomorrow Zoom Class
1. . SS: Phylogeny and Taxonomy, continued: adding time to a tree 2.. Phylogeny Lab: Write the Pre-Lab 3. POGIL: Check your POGIL against others, and against the key OYO 4. Read/Take notes 19.1 & 19.2 5. Start the vocabulary, lists titled Macroevolution and Systematics Research and write own definitions, or log in to Quizlet, Unit 2: Speciation, and complete the flashcards, learn, and test (80% goal) modes Zoom Class
1. Taxonomy vs Phylogeny Jamboards 2. Systematics lab background, continued generate the class phylogeny OYO 3. Read/take notes 19.3 4. Check your work: Phylogeny POGIL key Zoom Class
1. Tests released: MC is in AP Classroom; FRQ via the link in your Form response receipt (Oct 20 email). Can you see your responses/the key? 2. SS: Systematics 3. Breakout room: create a taxonomy, phylogeny If you didn't get to the cladogram, do this one OYO 4. Read/take notes 19.1 & 19.2 5. Buffet: Phylogenetic Trees POGIL paper copy is incomplete - print it from the GC assignment 6. Working with Data: Phlox key here Zoom class
1. New lab groups; please rename yourself with the group number first. 2. SS: Macroevo rates: Gradualism vs Punctuated Equilibrium 3. Working with Data: Phlox species Classwork; do not turn in. I will scan and post the key later. OYO 4. Read the group lab paper, your contribution as well as the others. Edit directly, or use the comment feature to make suggestions. 5. Read and annotate (or summarize) the Systematics Lab background A game die is an optional material for the lab, if you have one handy. 6. FYI: Unit 1 Exam released (I think)- The MC is in AP Classroom. To see your FRQ, find your response receipt from Google Forms on Oct 20. It has the link to see your responses (and the key answers). FRQ raw score is out of 12, curved is 9.5 max. AP Exam pass is 50% on each section. Can you see your responses, and the key answers? |