1. Catch up on stamps
2. Lab: Analysis recapped Further analysis: linkage map of the fly data 3. PPT: Sex-linked genes/electrophoresis 4. Measuring small quantities with a micropipette. HW: Pre-Lab: The Smith family genetic testing Buffet option: Linkage mapping challenge 1. PPT: Other gene relationships
check your buffet page solutions 2. Morgans Fly lab: linked genes and X-linked inheritance HW: Linked Genes lab: results table in notebook; CER Buffett: Gene Relationships worksheet, Q #6 1. Starter: Genetics problems
2. Quiz: Heredity 3. Lab analyzed, complete in the notebook HW: •Finish up the WFP in your lab notebook • Read/take notes : 11.3. As you read, work concurrently on: • Buffet: Gene Relationships, #'s 1, 3, 4, & 5 • Short a stamp? Do the Working with Data: Butterfly Paternity 1. Friday recap: dihybrid crosses
2. Lab: Fast Plant dihybrid data Is your group's data posted? Save a copy for group Question: do either/both traits reflect the Law of Dominance? Question: do the alleles sort independently? Mendel's predictions are the hypotheses; plant survey is data; chi2 to analyze HW: • Finalize your part of the lab data, including graphs • Read/Take notes section 11.2, through p201 • Define vocabulary for Thursday Quiz • Wednesday Extra Exam prep: Photosynthesis 1. Energetic exam reviewed
2. Final respiration lab presentations 3. Chi2 problems reviewed 4. Dihybrid crosses: PPT; Fast Plant data No HW, enjoy the beautiful weekend (safely)! (Quiz Thursday) 1. More Respiration Labs shared
2. Meiosis: Buffet page reviewed 3. PPT: Mendel, chi-square test, continued 4. Buffet: Applying the Chi2 test HW: Read/take notes: 10.4; 10.6 (through p184) • Finish #3, above Wednesday a.m. class canceled for tomorrow. We will meet again next week.1. Respiration presentations
2. PPT: meiosis, Mendel 3. Lab: dihybrid WFP set up? 3. The Chi-square test of a hypothesis HW: • Work through this : Punnet square genetics review • Read the Notes: Chi-square handout from today. On the handout, calculate the chi-square for Mendel's data on round vs wrinkled seeds; interpret the result as directed in the handout. • Watch this to better Understand chi-square 1. Respiration Case Study - The Seven Deaths
2. Meiosis notes stamped PPT addendum TPR sock model HW: Finish the respiration presentations - know your stuff! Buffet: Cell division diagrams & Table B on the back side work in pencil! |