1. Root beer floats/small group energy Q&A
2. Midterm: Energetics Have a great Spring Break!
1. O2 sensors, bleh!
Lab redeux as needed generate graph(s), result(s), analyze same 2. Review for Friday Exam review book questions review sheet, graphic organizer sheets, mark up/outline/summarize notes, whiteboard a graphic organizer finish the vocabulary; write assertion statements using multiple vocabulary terms... HW: Actively study! Exam (and root beer floats) Friday 1. Turn in the Working with Data: Respiration Buffet page
2. Respiration Lab, part C: be mindful! collect data to try to answer your lab question HW: • Did you get suspect/no real data in lab today? Those O2 sensors are the problem. You can run trials again Wednesday if you need to. Let me know if I need to buy more crickets (I gave the others away). • Study for Friday exam: • use your notes - identify key information, outline, summarize... • define the respiration vocabulary • download/print review sheet(s): frq, graphic organizers, etc • Mader online quizzes conference is in April, doh! no sub Monday
so: run Lab C Monday, shorter exam & floats Friday 1. (4A QW ) 2. PPT: ETC & Chemiosmosis POGIL stamped (4A) & reviewed 3. Plan Lab part C: Inquiry Practice using Vernier/BioChambers for data collection Run lab Monday HW: • Buffet: Working with Data: Classic AP respiration Lab • Use notes, etc to annotate diagrams • do a little background research on your lab organism 1. Lab A discussed
2. (4A) PPT: Krebs (3A) Jeopardy 3. Set up Lab B: root beer respiration 4. POGIL: Models 3 & 4 HW: Finish the Aerobic Respiration POGIL Monday (sub) Working with Data : respirometers Plan lab C; write pre-lab 1. Keeping up with the notes? Doing the questions? stamp
enzyme lab is due quizzes returned 2. What effects enzyme reaction rate? PPT, lab results shared 3. QW: Reactants & products of glycolysis and fermentation 4. Respiration Lab A: Yeast did you read through/write the background? 5. 4A: PPT: Krebs (Citric acid0)Cycle HW: • update lab background with Part A results • Review energetics notes and lab work thus far; do the text q, write summaries, etc Where were you this morning?
If you are taking the AP exam, get the Cell signaling/feedback materials 1. S'math solutions on the board Use notes/ppt to annotate glycolysis/fermentation diagrams notes stamped 2. POGIL - Aerobic Respiration, Models 1 & 2 3. PPT: Link and Krebs (citric acid) cycle HW: • Read through the Respiration Lab; paraphrase the background in lab notebook • Notes: 8.4 • Finish the POGIL (Aerobic Respiration) through Model 2 • Final edits to the enzyme lab paper 1. Last exam passed back/reviewed
did you take Thursdays quiz? 8.1 & 6.4 notes stamped 2. PPT glycolysis 3. Buffet: energy from respiration HW: Finish respiration S'math Edits to enzyme paper Notes: 8.2 & 8.3 Optional: Extra AP class every Wednesday, 8:30 - 9:15 1. PPT: ATP POGIL stamped
2. Energetics Quiz Vocabulary stamped 3. Lab: do you have adequate data to answer your question? Run more trials, re-run trials with odd results. Graph and analyze results in the lab notebook; create the shared doc, assign parts HW: Turn in stamp sheet Finish the lab in the notebook; upload you part to the group paper |