1. Artificial Selection lab: feedback
2. Cells Size Lab: Block Model discussed Agar cells, part B PPT version pre-lab before lab! 3. Text: Cells Final Word discussion HW: • Optional phylogeny lab work still needs to be graded - leave notebook? • Complete any pre-lab, calculations for same for the Cell Size lab • Buffett: read/take notes 4.1-4.3
1. New Buffet, new lab groups
Anyone do the optional buffet (Parts of Animals) or replacement lab? 2. PPT: Cells, Diffusion 3. Lab: (a handout this time) Background info, including lab A: Block Model HW: Buffett: Read/mark-up the Text: Cells (Bryson). read again and identify at least 6 sentences or passages that you feel are important, interesting, confusing, or otherwise noteworthy. 1. Zonkeys text: SOAPS discussed
2. Intro to cells: view representative cells; identify; calculate size. Ppt directions here 3. Leave your lab notebook for grading of Artificial Selection lab HW: • None required over the holiday break • Short a stamp? In the Buffet is the text Parts of Animals; read, annotate, diagram the proposed taxonomy 1. Midterm Exam
Vocab stamped; last chance for POGIL stamp turn in stamp page HW: • Wrap the Artificial Selection Lab (analysis) • SOAPS analysis of the text Zonkeys are Pretty Much My Favorite Animal (print or online version) 1. Ch 18 notes/questions, Extinctions POGIL stamped
2. PPT: First life forms 3. Artificial Selection lab: data here; divvy the tables and graphs up; double-check the math, analyze results HW: Midterm Wednesday: finish the vocabulary, POGIL, study (options on Macroevolution resource space) 1. PPT/ TED video: from non-living > living
need a chem refresher? 2. Review: phlox, graphic organizer 3. Lab results: data here; generate results table, graphs as directed in lab ppt HW: • Finish Ch 18 notes/questions; consider doing the final POGIL concurrently • Final edits to Phylogeny paper by Friday at 3pm (even though no school) • Optional: Primate phylogeny lab (to replace a score) due before Thanksgiving break • Exam Wednesday, start reviewing (see resources on macro page) Last chance for Ch 19 notes/q stamp
1. Starter: mice populations 2. Lab: Artificial Selection lab ppt: Objective, methods reviewed post data of the f1 generation clean up! 3. Buffet: Working with Data, continued HW: • Start Ch 18 notes & questions • Edit own/edit& comment on others work on the Phylogeny lab. Substantial time/effort = full credit. • Buffet: finish the Working with Data • Systematics Lab option (to replace a lab score): Primate Phylogeny due before Thanksgiving break 1. Completed lab work, Ch 19 notes stamped
Review your Quiz; return when done 2. PPT: Domains 3. Buffet: Graphic Organizer reviewed Complete the Working with Data: Flower Color and Reproductive Isolation 4. Phylogeny lab: Create a shared lab doc; decide on components Class tree is part of the background - okay to scan in HW: Finish Ch 19 notes & assigned questions Write your part of the Phylogeny lab paper into he shared doc. Use the comments from the previous papers to information your writing ; do not repeat the mistakes of the earlier efforts. |