I am having a hard time connecting to this platform from my home, so the agenda has migrated to Google Classroom.
Log into Google Classroom using your .wusd email to see class posts, leave comments, etc. Google Classroom will be home for my courses for the remainder of the school year.
• Gov announcing today that school will remain in distance-learning mode through the end of the year.
• The UC announced that it will suspend the letter grade requirement for A-G courses completed in winter/spring/summer 2020 for all students, and suspending the standardized test requirement for students applying for fall 2021 freshman admission. • McGraw-Hill has made the online version of their AP study prep series '5 Steps to a 5' free for the rest of this testing cycle. https://learn.mheducation.com/ap-teacher-resources.html?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pc_us-fp-tp-fac-covid-19%20teacher%20resources • I was asked about the units we will try to cover before the exam: Photosynthesis Cell Cycle [to include DNA structure & function (protein synthesis, gene regulation), replication, mitosis] Genetics [to include Meiosis, Inheritance (Mendel, Morgan?, pedigrees), electrophoresis] On Weebly, I hid the evolution resources pages, and made available those on the above topics. I will post those same resources to Google as we work through the topics. 1. Before class
•wake up, eat something, move to a desk and chair...look & play the part of an active learner :) • Get out your 8.4 notes, POGIL models 3 &4, and the S'math page • review same 2. Live Class • Recap: Link (Prep) & Krebs • FInal Steps: The ETC & Chemiosmosis • Breakout groups: review the s'math page 3. OYO • Review via videos 1 2 • Pre-Lab: Yeast Respiration 4. Next live class (lab) : Friday, noon https://us04web.zoom.us/j/225362228?pwd=c2JpQ25RUFErWmZWZkpJY3lDa0xqdz09 |