1. Buffet HW stamped, reviewed
2. Variation Lab results, shared, discussed 3. Lab C: (slide 22) Pre-lab, survey plants, record group data in Sheets Paste group data to class data Class artifical selection HW: • Leave your lab notebook for grading • Buffet: read, annotate complete a SOAPS analysis of the text excerpt: The Median isn't the Message
1. Last chance for 15.1-2 notes and q stamp
2. Lab: compare the two populations new question, pre-lab, graph of the means with SE bars HW: • Write the CER for second Selection lab Q; write the Discussion to reflect the entire lab • Finish the Buffet: Stats in Bio page - graph and questions (use the Sheets tutorial to help you with the graph) 1. Ch 15 notes/q stamped
2. Are the populations varied? evidence from lab 3. PPT: SE metrics SD practice annotate the formula sheet 4. Water the Fast Plants! 5. Selection Lab, continued find SE of your population sample share your results table with another group w/ same species HW: • Buffet: answer the assigned questions for 15.1 & 15.2 • Review SD and/or SEM as needed via Bozeman Science videos • Buffet: Statistics In Biology: SD & SE worksheet (use the reference handout from class, slide 10 of the SD PPT, Bozeman, or this Sheets model) 1. Last chance for 1.1, stamp (questions)
Homework recap: Big Data, Darwin 2. Fast Plants (Brassica rapa)- water 'em! 3. Lab: Quantifying Variation trait brainstorms; agree upon methods; collect data; generate results table Work in Sheets on the desktop, lab PPT on the Chromebook HW: • Complete the Lab through slide 8 (descriptive statistics in a results table); make any edits to the group work by first saving a copy of the Sheet for yourself. Print the graph (& results table if its in Sheets) and glue into lab. 'Raw' data not necessary. • Buffet: Finish notes/q 15.1-15.2 • Standard deviation? Learn about or review this metric via this Slide deck 1. Why AP Biology?
2. PPT: Features of Life 3. Small group Methods HW check have HW stamped glue lab reference sheet into lab notebook 4. Lab: Evolution via Selection HW: • Buffet: Read pg 13/answer assigned Q • Start Evolution notes; 15.1-15.2 1. WWD stamped/reviewed
2. TED talk: Dr Hayes 3. Lab: planting seed for artificial selection lab 4. Pick up texts @ 9:25 HW: • Buffett: Take notes/answer the questions under 'Defining Life; • Buffett: Review scientific Methods (1.4) as needed; answer Q 1 and 2 on the syllabus • Check out the class textbook (sorry we ran out of time) • Bring a lab notebook Tuesday 1. Welcome to AP Biology!
Please show me your gold schedule 2. Course Information PPT & handout join the class in your AP Classroom; complete the assignment 3. Working with Data: Atrazine and frog development HW: • Join the AP Classroom if you were not able to in class (code: XMADGM) • Finish #3 above • Get a lab notebook, other supplies • Got spreadsheet skills? Tutorial here |