1. Check your POGIL against partners, a key
Have HHMI click and Learn worksheet stamped 2. PPT: Nerve Impulse 3. MODEL: Time-lapse Action Potential sequence the diagrams; glue in order; color-code, label, annotate changes in ion concentrations, gates, voltage, etc HW: Buffett (today): TEXT on serotonin
1. Reading started? Pick up partial buffet
2. PPT: NS architecture HHMI video: the synapse 3. POGIL: Neuron Function 4. HHMI Click and Learn: Electrical Activity of Neurons HW: Finish POGIL; complete the HHMI Click and Learn and Buffet worksheet; review your NS notes, read the two pages on drugs, answer the assigned questions. 1. Practice MC/FRQ: cell signaling MC1 > MC3 > Key > FRQ 2 2. Quizlet Live vocabulary stamped/turn in stamp page 3. Quiz 4. PPT: Nervous System architecture notes diagrams HW: Start NS reading/notes: 37.1, vertebrate/mammal sections only; 37.2 1. Water Potential Lab Papers due
2. Cell Signaling near and far: add to vocabulary list (need to see the cards again?) 3. Signal Transduction reviewed, via POGIL Examples: fur pigment, viagra 4. Last concept: Feedback HW: • Watch the Amoeba Sisters on Feedback; annotate that last diagram on the handout • Define/learn the vocab; vocab & s'math quiz Thursday HW done? paper drafted, extra WP FRQ practice for a stamp
1. HW recap: what is transpiration? What variables affect it? 2. PPT: Cell Signaling diagrams to annotate review the POGIL together 3. TED talk: Quorum Sensing in Bacteria 4. Card Sorting: communication with cells near and far HW: • Edit the WP paper - your work and the others work • Review the topic and edit your notes as you watch Bozeman on Signal Transduction Contrary to an overheard rumor, I am NOT retiring anytime soon
1. WP lab discussion homework stamped; edit as needed 2. Practice FRQ: WP 3. On to cell communication...POGIL: Signal Transduction Text notes/questions on cell signaling, feedback, stamped HW: • Write/upload your part(s) of the Water Potential lab • finish the POGIL (Signal Trandsduction) • Transpiration? Complete the Glencoe virtual lab in your lab notebook - read the introduction (for background, methods), run the lab (for variables, data), analyze the data (via CER or the analysis questions of the virtual lab) • short a stamp already? Do the take home WP FRQ Rally schedule
1. Cell Signaling/feedback notes & questions stamped (by Monday) 2. Lab: Water Potential set up trials stamp completed pre-lab review together hypothesis work post results to the class set HW: Save a copy of your group and the class results; graph and analyze same, identifying any suspect (error likely) results first. 1. Feedback
2. POGILish : WP reviewed Whiteboarding WP Practice 3. WP Lab: Write the pre-lab HW: • Finish Pre-lab, including hypothesis worksheet • Buffet: read/take notes on Cell Signaling & Feedback do the questions concurrently, or later, as part of Cornell notes Welcome to 2019! Any resolutions?
1. Midterms returned and reviewed 2. PPT: Diffusion s'math: Water potential 3. Buffet: POGILish: Water Potential, Models 3 & 4 HW: • Finish POGILish Models 3 & 4 • watch Mr Anderson's (Bozeman Science) take on the concept • Water Potential Lab: read the lab, write the background section |