1. Unit Exam Today: Mc, + 4 of the short FRQ
HW: • Selection Lab drafts have been read; edit for your final paper/grade • short a stamp? Read online/do a SOAPS analysis on the Sharon Begley article in STAT listed on the syllabus
1. H-W Practice Q
2. PPT: Sickle cell & malaria 3. Population Genetics Lab A analyzed; discussion questions on lab PPT graphed data stamped 4. Exam Review: Practice books, practice MC/FRQ handouts, score a student answer, review sheet q HW: • Finish #3 in your lab notebook; hint: write a broad claim that all three cases can serve as evidence for • Exam Friday: Study! Review your notes, lab work, & buffet; additionally, watch some of the linked videos, answer the review sheet questions, etc. 1. Buffet: Using the H-W equations
volunteer to solve one on the board, please! 2. Population genetics Lab: Introduced Work on pre-lab (write a hypothesis per case) Run the lab with the dance class lab data posted here: 3A 4A HW: • Save a copy of the class data; find frequency of each allele & genotype per generation for each model using the formula in the lab; graph same. • Read/take notes: 16.3 • Watch/take notes: hhmi's Biointeractive The Making of the Fittest • Exam Friday - review resources are uploaded • Optional extension: make a Sheets version of the taste test data tables, complete with formulas 1. Quizzes reviewed; return to me when finished
2. Water your Fast Plants 3. Last word: Selection follow up Q reviewed 4. Lab: Population Genetics (Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium) POGIL questions? Using the equations via taste tests 4. Complete the pre-lab HW: Finish all classwork; watch Bozeman/TedEd 5 Fingers of Evolution Buffet: Practice H-W problems (?) FYI: Unit Exam next Friday 1. Last word on Selection lab: discussion paragraph, follow up questions to review
2. PPT: Quantifying Evolution 3. POGIL: The Hardy-Weinberg Equation 4. LAB: The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium HW: Read/take notes 16.1 Draft a paper on the Selection lab; share with me. (student example, with comments) 1. Plant seeds for Lab C: Artificial Selection of Fast Plants (slide 21)
no lab notebook work yet 2. PPT: Other Mechanisms of Evolution 3. Selection Lab: graphs & CERs compared; write discussion 4?. Buffet: POGIL: Hardy-Weinberg Equation Finish selection lab analysis as needed Enjoy Homecoming weekend 1. PPT: selection alters the bell curve
check/edit your POGIL; have stamped 2. Vocab turned in any questions? Quizzlet live? 3. Quiz 4. Lab: results table, graph, analysis HW: • Read/takes notes 16.2 • Save a copy of your group selection lab data, and generate frequency results and a graph of same. Write CERs, making sure your claim(s) address the lab questions/objectives. Incorporate the following terms into your writing: selection, polymorphic, phenotype, & fitness. (Having trouble making the distinction between the C, E, & R? Here's a review) 1. Lab recap:
share methods use Sheets for recording data, for flexibility look for patterns in variant frequency overtime 2. Run the Lab 3. POGIL stamped, reviewed HW: Vocab, one of the ways I spelled out on 8/24 1. Variation labs returned, discussed
2. BUFFET: Population practice page stamped, compared/discussed in group 3. PPT: Selection 4. Selection lab: determine methods, write pre-lab, choose & practice with 'beaks', set up data table (5. try my population growth calculator! ) HW: Finish selection pre-lab Buffet: POGIL: Selection & Speciation Quiz moved to Wednesday 1. Variation lab analysis reviewed, edited
Lab work complete in notebook? Compare to checklist 2. Biotic Potential Malthus text stamped, reviewed PPT: ramifications Sheets population growth model (work in a copy) 3. Pre-Lab: Evolution vis Selection (slide 11) HW: • Leave Variation lab (notebook) for grading • Buffett: Statistics in Biology: Standard Deviation & Standard Error • Review the vocabulary - quiz Monday |