I am having a hard time connecting to this platform from my home, so the agenda has migrated to Google Classroom.
Log into Google Classroom using your .wusd email to see class posts, leave comments, etc. Google Classroom will be home for my courses for the remainder of the school year.
• Gov announcing today that school will remain in distance-learning mode through the end of the year.
• The UC announced that it will suspend the letter grade requirement for A-G courses completed in winter/spring/summer 2020 for all students, and suspending the standardized test requirement for students applying for fall 2021 freshman admission. • McGraw-Hill has made the online version of their AP study prep series '5 Steps to a 5' free for the rest of this testing cycle. https://learn.mheducation.com/ap-teacher-resources.html?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pc_us-fp-tp-fac-covid-19%20teacher%20resources • I was asked about the units we will try to cover before the exam: Photosynthesis Cell Cycle [to include DNA structure & function (protein synthesis, gene regulation), replication, mitosis] Genetics [to include Meiosis, Inheritance (Mendel, Morgan?, pedigrees), electrophoresis] On Weebly, I hid the evolution resources pages, and made available those on the above topics. I will post those same resources to Google as we work through the topics. 1. Before class
•wake up, eat something, move to a desk and chair...look & play the part of an active learner :) • Get out your 8.4 notes, POGIL models 3 &4, and the S'math page • review same 2. Live Class • Recap: Link (Prep) & Krebs • FInal Steps: The ETC & Chemiosmosis • Breakout groups: review the s'math page 3. OYO • Review via videos 1 2 • Pre-Lab: Yeast Respiration 4. Next live class (lab) : Friday, noon https://us04web.zoom.us/j/225362228?pwd=c2JpQ25RUFErWmZWZkpJY3lDa0xqdz09 1. Pre-Class
• Join the AP Biology Google Classroom using the code 37okx6c • Optional: Respiration diagram page for note-taking print this pdf, or open it in the KAMI browser extension log in with Google acct, open .pdf • Get your POGIL, ch8 notes, WWData out 2. Live class • Review Glycolyis, fermentation, Working with Data • Lecture: Link (Prep) rxn, Krebs (Citric Acid, TCA ) cycle 3. OYO • Review Krebs via animations: • Read/take notes 8.4: the ETC, and Chemiosmosis • Finish the POGIL • Buffet - S'Math: Respiration, omitting #6 & 8 4. Next Live Class Wednesday, 12:00PM https://us04web.zoom.us/j/313693141?pwd=a2piY3pTemVDcHRFOURuUXY0Uk41dz09 Meeting ID: 313 693 141 Password: 093519 EXAM UPDATE
Good news: CB is asking teachers for their opinion on the modified exam! I will advocate for the inclusion of selection and evolution on the exam. CLASS 1. SS: Glycolysis and Fermentation presentation, animations linked on Unit resources page 2. HW evidence, via Zoom, Juno forum, email? HW • POGIL, continued: Model 2 • 8.4 notes: prep rxn, Krebs cycle • Buffet: Working with Data: Seed respiration lab The Biology Place virtual version is linked in resources SCHEDULE • Meet again Monday, noon https://us04web.zoom.us/j/695371039?pwd=RGpzM1dpaEhkaEdpOTc1N1paWHhiUT09 Meeting ID: 695 371 039 Password: 063651 Class AGENDA:
1. Welcome 'back', via Zoom Sorry if you missed it; between Zoom and You Tube, I will try to record and post each live class after the fact. 2. Enzyme lab results shared FOR your CALENDAR: • NOTEBOOK Pick Up: Thursday @ noon, gym end of student parking lot • NEXT Zoom Class: Friday @ noon https://us04web.zoom.us/j/565505565?pwd=U1FSSjUrSVJzVVRFUFY1QWgxdFFQUT09 Meeting ID: 565 505 565 Password: 066781 Student HW: • Review Glycolysis notes (8.1, 8.2); • Read/take notes on fermentation, 8.3 • Start the POGIL: Aerobic Respiration, Model 1 1. I have all groups enzyme lab results, thank you
2. I have not received a Google form from 8 students yet; please reach out to your classmates and direct them to the webpage 3. I forgot to ask on the form an important question: do you want to continue to prepare for and take the AP Exam? 4. We'll try a Zoom class meeting Wednesday at 12:00 PM, see how well it works for our purposes. Please make this tool functional on your device before then. In the app store, or for your computer at https://zoom.us https://us04web.zoom.us/j/994191817?pwd=bS82Z0NWeUNyVzNYMlM1REx0c05aZz09 Meeting ID: 994 191 817 Password: 071288 Welcome to AP Biology 2.0
this is less than optimal, but we will do our best, yes? 1. Enzyme lab results shared please email me your groups enzyme lab slides (I have Anna, Emily, Mackenzie, Mina, and Andrea's groups thus far); I will assemble them into one slide show I can narrate and post 2. Internet access survey I know you all have phones, but do you have good enough access to the internet for us to hold class online? We can use an online forum exclusively only if all have equal and adequate access. Please complete this Google form so I can see if all online is an option https://forms.gle/FsBYRtQymBs61CDo8 3. Do you have Zoom? This free app is one way we can meet as a class. Download it to a device; I will set up a meeting for Wednesday at a time TBD, based the google form responses, and the College Boards online live review schedule on YouTube I had an email from College Board today (maybe you did also) and am happy to hear they have a plan for you to continue in the course, including taking the exam. The email content is repeated on this webpage; bookmark it as College Board will post updates there also .
For now (until 4/3) I want to respect the process that the district and WHS administration are setting up. That means no class specific assignments. Departments have been asked to provide a set of generalized lessons for their subject area, which will be posted on the WHS webpage, and available in paper form. Admin then has those weeks to research and hopefully implement something long term. Following that, since most of you signed up for the AP Biology exam, and at least some of you will still want to pursue that goal, we will find ways to continue to move forward in the class together, even if we are not actually together! We can continue to employ the strategies we have used all year (buffet, text book, and ppts). We can add more tools: Zoom for video conferencing, recorded audio narration for the ppts, Google Classroom for turning in work, completing virtual labs online, etc. Furthermore, College Board is going to post daily online review classes that can be accessed at any time. We can do whatever you want. If you have other ideas, please share them with me. You can add a comment here, or email me at [email protected]. In the meantime, stay healthy, stay 6' apart, and stay optimistic that we will get through this pandemic safely. Ms Fenton Non-sequitur: Coronavirus Pandemic
1. Share your story 2. Media! Video: What is COVID-19? What actually happens if you get it? How do Pandemics spread? Why Bats? Audio: when should schools close? 3. The math of infectious disease Whiteboarding Slides - Q & A about calculating R, infection curves Text: How to flatten the curve 4. Wash your hands! Enjoy spring break (in a way that reduces your risk of coronavirus transmission!) |